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Discussion of Alter Call

Our group finished watching the last Alter Call Video Series last week. A quick summary follows.

Part 1: Dr Gane demonstrated how the Israelite sanctuary explains the process of salvation. Detailing how the sanctuary and its services are all about Christ. He connects the earthy sanctuary to each facet of its fulfillment in Christ.

Part 2: dives into the sacrificial system. Dr. Gane clarifies how the various offerings teach us about the different aspects of Christ’s sacrifice. In Christ, justice and mercy meet to fulfil perfect love.

Part 3: is the most often hard to understand because it is an unfamiliar topic to many.  Dr. Gane summarizes the activities and components of the Day of Atonement. The Day of Atonement occurs once a year. It is the day when sin eradicated from the temple and the camp. It foreshadows how God saves and will one day eradicate sin completely from the universe. It answers the question, how can God forgive guilty people and still be loving + just?

Part 4: clearly establishes that the purpose of the judgement is to reveal who can be saved. We are secure in God’s love and salvation. The judgement is a positive experience and relief for God’s people.


This leads us to three important questions:

  1. How has this affected our vision of God’s character in terms of justice and mercy?
  2. In what ways are you allowing God’s forgiveness to change your life?
  3. What is hindering you from viewing the judgement with joy and relief?